Nutrition Challenge

ImageToday marks the start of our nutrition challenge at the box. I started mine last Wednesdaywhen Russ left because I didn’t want to allow myself to slip into my normal routine of letting myself eat crap for two days because I was sad. I have a way of justifying bad eating habits most of the time. My focus for this challenge is to break the emotional tie I have with food. I need to learn that I don’t “have to have” sweets or that I don’t need to “reward myself with food”

Its interesting when you think about society and food. I know that maybe I am just much more aware because of my previous issues with food but it seems everything revolves around food. Think back about birthdays…cake, graduation…cake and BBQ, weddings….cake and food, celebrations…going out to eat, anniversaries….dining out, Christmas, Thanksgiving….food, Easter…candy, New Years…appetizers and food, football games…wings and food…it seems to be never ending for me. Where did this obsession come from? Why is it that every time we go to celebrate something or do something social it revolves around food? For me most of these events used to raise fears and anxiety for me because I was always concerned about being able to control myself around all of the food.

So this challenge is taking a step in the right direction for me. I am determined to once and for all break my mental obsession with food. Food is fuel for my body, I need to it train hard, coach hard and play hard. If I don’t do what I need to do now in my life my body won’t be what I want it to be years from now. I have every intention of training well into my 70s and to allow my body to do that I have to take care of it now. THat means proper nutrition and being aware of choices.

So here we go!

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